Dear Valued Clients,

For our safety and yours, we at Jeannie’s Salon & Day Spa are closely following the Ohio Department of Health’s mandatory and recommended practices to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Before your visit, please carefully read through our policies and procedures.

  • Only one client per team member is permitted to be in the salon at a time, unless the client requires the presence of a parent, guardian, or caregiver.

  • You must call or text your team member upon your arrival. Wait in your vehicle until the team member invites you inside.

  • Before your service, we will take your temperature and record your information for contact tracing purposes.

  • A mask must be worn at all times.

  • A distance of 6 feet must be maintained between yourself, other clients, and other team members.

By state mandate, these policies are mandatory for all clients and team members.